Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What does Matt Damon Know?

Seriously folks. Why do celebraties with no political experience think they have the right to go on national news and say to the public what a joke it is for Palin or McCain to run. I personally will not disclose who i will vote for at this time but who the h-e-double HOCKEY sticks does he think he is. I love him in the Jason Bourne movies but would i take political advice from him? Hell no! All he does is act and jump on the propoganda wagon for (N)O-bama. He said that she was a joke but just a few months ago wasn't a woman running for president? Palin is just in this as a vice-president. I think the Dems are feeling the heat and need something to slander others with. His big thing was "Do we really want the hockey mom(by the way he forgot she is govenor of the largest state in America) with her alaskan folk ways to run our country, assuming McCain passed away in his first term? This guy is nuts. Next thing you will hear is that he is a Scientologist. I guess he doesn't know anybody over the age of 50 that is still living let alone 70. The sad thing is that other people are blindly following what he says or any other celebrity for that matter when it comes to politics. I don't need Oprah or anyone else to tell me how to swing my vote. PS i bet Palin can kick is butt from Alaska to Boston! Chicken!


[Morgan] said...

Not an Obama fan? Me N-either.
However, I'm not really a Palin fan either.
Alaska may be the largest in area, but it comes in 47th for population... I'm bummed that she cut special education in schools by 62% while govenor:(
I totally agree with you, celebrities know jack squat when it comes to political issues. well, most of them anyway.

Sarady said...

Oh, I'm saddened by this news. I thought Matt Damon would have at least used his powers of persuasion for something more important--like flouride (J/K). This is sad. I hate when the celebs do this. He should just stick to being hot, cuz that's what he's best at. By the way, I cracked up when you spelled out H E double Hockey sticks and then wrote the actual word hell two sentences later. I love you!

Life with the Warrens said...

I am not a huge fan of any of them but seriously why would he put himself out there for something like this? it really boggles me to no end!

Staigerfamily said...

Hate to go against popular vote here, but I actually agree with most of what he is saying. I can see exactly where he is coming from. Maybe he didn't put it the kindest way, but I agree completely with him. Wasn't it McCain who was recently hitting the obama campaign with the inexperience issue, and now they have someone in for the Second spot with a WHOLE ton less experience. It's pretty scary to me. Don't get me wrong, she might be a nice person, but she is still very much in political infancy.

Life with the Warrens said...

the point was he was using his celebrity status to tell the world who he thinks is right soley because he is a celebrity. Like it was his civil duty to warn the public that this is a "bad disney movie" and he saying that mccain would die cuz he so old. that is crazy talk. if obama and mccain are slandering each other that is their business they are in it to win, but a celebrity voicing his opinion as if it really matters what he says is just out of control. this is what is wrong with America and the world. Following the wrong people instead of the Prophet.

Julie said...

Tanya, I agree that celebrites should shut up. All of us need to turn the television off, study the issues and where the different candidates stand on those issues, and then make the best decision we can given not-so-great options. A vote should absolutely not be based on what Matt Damon or Oprah Winfrey or even Anderson Cooper thinks. I think that there are a sadly large number of people out there who don't realize that.

KristiKay said...

There are so many things I could say about this I wouldn't know where to start...but even though some of what he says may be true, he sounds like a complete dork. "I need to know if she believes in dinosaurs...". Hmm, well, we might really be in trouble. And yes, I can't stand it when celebrities back up politicians thinking it will help the campaign...the really sad thing it works. Contrary to popular thought, Oprah doesn't know everything.

Jenny said...

Weather or not we agree with what ANY celebrity says, to suggest that anybody shouldn't be out there voicing there opinions is just wrong, in my opinion. This election is about ALL of us as Americans, and we should all be speaking up about our beliefs, weather we're celebrities or not. Suggesting that only those who are IN politics should be the ones allowed to discuss it goes against the very grain of what makes this country great, I think.

What is despicable (and unacceptable), though, are smears and lies spread to confuse the actual issues, and fool americans into voting for a popularity contest instead of which issues they actually believe in. You can blame the political pundits for that one.

Life with the Warrens said...

I think it is ok to voice one's opinion. we have that right but i think the way he did it was embarrassing and even painful to listen to. Every politician has a dark side so it is foolish(in my opinion) to think they don't. We, as people, are too easily led because we hear what we want to hear. It is easy to say, "Fewer Taxes." Not so easily said is how it is possible when those taxes go to help so many aspects of our American lives that we don't even think about. I am not saying that I am against any political party, because I do think they both have good qualities, but it is so hard to know the truth, which we deserve, and make educated decisions.

candicetheresa said...

Enraging! Enraged! Why can't you be my next door neighbor right now? You are irreplaceable. And I am tired of not having you here. I constantly want to knock on your door. And we could get enraged about this politicking thing together. However, I should limit the amount of enraging I allow myself to do. It shortens my life. Enraged! about this stuff. Simply outraged. And I hate THE VIEW btw. Don't watch it. Outrage again.