Friday, September 3, 2010

Drum Roll Please..............................................

Did you guess boys? or did you guess girls? well i bet you are all dying to know. i would like to congratulate all 4 of you who guessed baby girls. yes, i know it says 3 but i had a late vote. i think i knew deep down inside that they would be girls but i just wanted boys so badly for Jeremy. But he is super happy for girls. he commented " we have two already and i know how to raise them so the twins should be easy." we will now commence with the battle of the names. we agree on one only so far but it is not set in stone. I would like for them to be named Penelope and Victoria but so far we only agree on Jane. oh can you imagine all this estrogen running through our house?!
now that the cats are out of the bag, it is time to bust out some sewing projects. i would like to just buy my favorite crib bedding set but it is expensive so maybe if you all just sent me some money i would be able to afford it. LOL don't send me anything unless you feel compelled to help a mom try to juggle twins, a second grader and a preschooler. PS these girls are already 10 inches long, with one weighing 9oz and the other 8oz. they are growing so fast! i've gained 17lbs so far and 17 more to go! let's hope i can keep it to a total of 35lbs.
isn't this soooo cute! little deer and squirrels! well instead of buying this i decided to make my own crib set. i know, crazy! but it is cheaper and i found some material that looks like dippin' dots the ice cream of the future.


Amanda said...

Congrats on the girls! I wanted you to have boys too, but I know that if I were having twins I'd kinda want boys so I'd at least know what I'm doing a little! They'll be as wonderful and beautiful as the two girls you've already got! Can't wait to find out what you decide to name them!

So, are you wanting to get two of those bedding sets or just one? They're super cute! Good luck!

Julie said...

I knew it! Jeremy is just so good and sweet and cute with his girls. And it is so important for girls to have a good daddy! Congratulations!

Amy Awesome and Klaron Kool said...

AWESOME!!!! congrats. when are you due? are girls can be friends, FUN!!!

Maleina said...

Yeah girls. The world needs good girls raised by good parents. Congrats!

Cort said...

Well crap, I didn't even know there was a vote. I need to blog more apparently. Congrats on the girls. I love the nature bedding for girls. Darling!

KristiKay said...

Oh you can do it! I made all of Ella's bedding and it turned out quite pretty, and I'm NOT a great sewer! Don't you hate how expensive all that bedding can be? Making it is a good idea...and I'm sure it will turn out really cute! Congrats on the girls! How fun....

candicetheresa said...

Girly girls!!! I am so glad I got my vote in. :) Congratulations. Jeremy is a good sport, and I guess must continue to be one for a long time. I can't wait to hear what the names will be. Are the girls so excited!?! Your sewing is gonna be amazing. And as for all the fun perks, yeah, my mom had toxemia with her twins. Not fun. You have to keep us posted. You look great and are doing AMAZING!