Monday, December 3, 2007

my everyday life

Many of you are wondering where are the kids in all of this madness that surrounds our author? Well I have been hesitant to show off their beauty and keep their vanity level to a minimum. I was confronted by my bestest friend and blogger to please let us see how "life with the warrens" really is and how the little monsters are growing. So i dedicate this blog to Sarah and Emily. The two greatest, most challenging loves in my life. I really can not imagine how my life would have been fulfilled without them here with me. What would i be doing? Just working so Jeremy could go to school? Yeah that sounds fun. I love how they try to help each other and then the next minute they are screaming and biting and whatever else to get at a toy or utensil or a toothbrush or whatever it is at the moment. I think the neighbors can hear my yelling. I have been trying to treat them like the innocent children that they are and they ARE an heritage to the Lord. I don't deserve them. It is more of a learning process for me than it is for them. So hats off to you, Sarah and Emily!


Maleina said...

I am so happy you invited me into your virtual life! The other day I was trying to get on your site and alas it said I needed an invataion! I was sad. but this morning in my inbox just waiting for me was your invataion! Man your girls are growing so fast! And I agree it is way more a learning experience for me. My poor kids. I love them though and that they know.

Cort said...

I'm so proud of you for getting out of your comfort zone and occasionally letting us see your mini-me's. I love your pure hearted honesty too.

Sarady said...

Yay! You did it. I was so excited to see pictures of the darlings. They are so beautiful and getting so big! I can't believe that Emily lets you put pigtails in...adorable. I am so glad you have a blog. It's about time. And you are a wonderful mother. Many of my mothering techniques I have learned from you. I learned it from watching you, alright? I learned it from watching YOU!

Sarady said...


Cort said...

Oh, my gosh, Sarady's comment is sooo funny. I could actually hear the old vintage commerical in my head. Good times.