Monday, October 26, 2009

As Spooky as it gets around here.

Well I decided to do a little with some vinyl lettering and I mean little. Amanda helped me out with the lettering that i wanted so i ordered the words, BOO, EEK, and Spooky to work with. I had some old blocks from a couple of years ago that i swiped off Tamra's front porch(i asked first) and have kept them in the stride rite shoe box they were in. I didn't know what I was gonna do with them until this halloween.

I made the black rose topiary myself! major props.

For the Spooky I just copied one bloggers idea and made it my own. Good thing i kept that vintage scrapbook halloween paper too. i think they turned out cute but seriously this is the most i did this year. I am too hot and sweaty to make anything else.

Happy Halloween


Amanda said...

OH! Too cute! I love the BOO! And that vingette is to die for! Is the EEK on the same blocks or different ones? I love the Spooky too! I might just have to copy them!

Thanks, I've been so curious about how they turned out!

Sarady said...

Ah, fer cute! You are so talented.

Cort said...

Wow, you're a real Mormon if you're doing vinyl lettering! Super cute, love it.