Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tummy Time and Hold Me Time

So if you think that one baby is alot of work, well let me and all the other parents of multiples just laugh in your face. Right now i average about 3 hours of sleep a night and not all in a row or even one full hour at a time. More like little snatches of sleep here and there between nursing, bottles and comforting. And these kids poop alot and have major gas which makes me crack up and then snuggle them even more since i know it must have hurt there little tummys. I, unfortunatley, am a mother that doesn't produce enough milk for all of her babies. I never have even with my two older girls. They made it to 11 months and 9 months, but the twins have to share what little I have between them so we do supplement alot with formula. And even though it says for fussiness and gas it is still hard on their little bodies to digest. I am still nursing them first as much as they want and then when they are unsatisfied(and they always are) we have the bottle on hand for them. But at 6 weeks they are weighing 8 lbs and starting to hold their heads up and having a great time crying while we have tummy time. The best part about crying is if Jane starts up then Kitty has to get hers in too. So instead of one baby just needing to be comforted, I am alone 90% of the day with both crying and wanting to be held. It is very tricky but I do have a great twins nursing pillow that holds them both. Oi vey! This is gonna be a long year!!


[Morgan] said...

i. love. you.

you survived six weeks, you are a superstar.

i look forward to your posts:) when you have time of course.

Sarah Mac D said...

What do you mean long year? Long life! But, Heavenly Father knew that you were the right girl for the job. I love those girls, and Sarah and Emily too. Miss you guys so much it hurts! Miss your Trouser Hams. Put up some more pictures of their faces so I can see how they've aged.

Amanda said...

Oh my gosh! You are amazing! I've always told David if we ever got twins, I wouldn't even try nursing. My mom's middle of the night twin stories were enough! Good luck getting sleep!

Life with the Warrens said...

sarah please let's take eternity one year at a time!

Julie said...

I can't even FATHOM how crazy it is! But they are so cute! I need more pictures of them since I can't snuggle them in person...